Seattle Huntress

This blog is brought to you by KT & Lilwaldo. Two local Seattle girls trying to figure out the true meaning of life - why men are the way they are. (And where have all the good ones gone?) We've been sharing some of our stories with our friends and they all find them so entertaining (some at our own expenses) that we decided we should share them with the rest of the world. And please, feel free to share your stories with us!

Monday, December 26, 2005

My latest theory

So I'm sure you all know by this time that I have many, many, MANY theories on men. This next one roots from very similar experiences KT and I have been having - men come into our lives, hang around for a while, get us all excited, and then, for some UNKNOWN reason (unknown to us that is) they dissappear, for an indefinite amount of time. However - this time, for both of us, it was pretty much one month - almost to the date. Now my man, I heard through the grapevine, was afraid of becoming to "boyfriendy" with me - and rather than talk about it, he split. Pretty much the same situation for KT - however, we also heard another theory (from a good guy friend of ours) that maybe these "men" (and I use that term lightly) had met up with someone else and wanted to test the waters there first. Then, when they didn't work out, they come crawling back to the good thing they briefly had. . . . Now, I'm not blaming them - lord knows I freak out sometimes too, but generally, as a rule, I do my best to communicate my freak outs so that we can both be on the same page, rather than just bailing entirely and hoping that I haven't burnt my bridges so badly that I can find a way back.

Men really are more complicated than they believe - though I do agree with many of them that its women's interpretations of what we THINK men mean that can really complicate matters.

Anyways, that is it for now. I do apologize for the sparse commentary lately - The KT and Lil show has temporarily been split between coasts (due to my family living back east) but it will resume again - and we are headed away on vacation and will report from there. Hopefully, some good times will be had and considering the fact that I am to be involved, there will be a debacle or two. I just sure hope this time it doesn't include broken fingers, strange sex requests, or men in pink polos!



At 6:44 AM, Blogger lilwaldo said...

Shit. Wait your excluded - I've known you too long :)


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