I'm getting tired of playing this game.
I'd like one of you men out there to answer me this. What exactly is it that we women do that scares you away so much or makes it so that you won't even tell us what you are really thinking? I mean come on, don't we at least deserve that? Perfect example. I met a guy a few weeks back and we hung out last week, had a great date and I thought everything was going well. Then I go away for a couple days, call him when I get home, and NEVER hear back from him? Are there some signs that I just don't see? Can someone, PLEASE fill me in on what they are? I'd really like to know. Cause this lilwaldo is growing tired of the bullshit called dating. Someone, enlighten us, kindly!
what no recent updates lately? lib, are you running dry?! i find that hard to beleive! :o)
well i dated a guy for 7 months, who all of a sudden, one day, just stopped calling. shit happens i suppose.
Bet ya...after reading, the first words that came into my mind honestly as Rachel said "He's Just Not That Into You".A guy who's into "Games" known as a "Player" never reveals his true thoughts,feelings or emotions to a lady he knows from the upset he's not going to be with for long perhaps i can say at this stage likewise "some ladies".It's the psychology involved in the "Players Game". As Bill stated he may have another damsel or may be ya didn't treat him right or ya ain't his kindna lady.
These guys don't know what they are talking about. The "he's just not that into you" response is a little simplistic. And ultimately puts men down. Did it ever occur to you that he's an idiot and not worth your time? A lot of guys test to see how crappy they can treat chicks, because, to be honest, a lot of them like it--and will leave the interaction with a total sense of intrigue and mystery trying to figure out what happened...or why they couldn't grab his attention. Either way he wins.
Then he's just got you: you may as well just send him your panties right now. Fuck it. These people aren't even worth it to begin with.
Who has time? How's this for dystopian: 9/10 of them are third generation tragedies, with little else to do...You can have that for free....
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